
Our Leadership

Followers of Jesus who invest their hearts, time, families, and finances in the building of a local church deserve to have confidence in church leadership. People are looking for leaders who conduct themselves with integrity and respect when making decisions that affect their lives.


The Lead Pastors

Pastors Josh and Jenaye Skjoldal serve as the Lead Pastors of Evangel. Together, they lead the Pastors and Staff Team.

Pastor Josh serves as the lead visionary, primary teacher, and Board of Directors Chairman. As Lead Pastor, he is responsible for the executive and supervisory control of the church, with ultimate responsibility for its’ spiritual and corporate health.

As Co-Lead Pastor, Jenaye serves in leading Evangel Women, building the health of the staff team, and operating as a secondary communicator and teacher. She serves as the primary support and intercessor for the Lead Pastor and is committed to raising their three children.

The Lead Pastor's Leadership Team

The Leadership Team oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church and, together with the Campus Pastors, serves the church and is responsible for developing the church's spiritual life.

The Lead Pastor's Leadership Team

Bryce Meyer
Senior Associate Pastor
Alisha Weston
Community Life Pastor
Stephen Weston
Creative Director
Dan Sipes, Jr.
Business Administrator

Campus Pastors

Logan and Madison Gross
Dickinson campus Pastors
Cory Phillips
Garrison campus Pastor

We are protected by our Board of Directors

The Board are members of the church who guard the vision of the Lead Pastor and oversee the financial provision of the church. They provide counsel to the Lead Pastor’s Leadership Team regarding the major financial commitments of the church. The Board of Directors are responsible for financial assurance, legal compliance, construction and renovations, and the safety and security of the church.

The Board of Directors for Evangel


Pastor Josh Skjoldal


Mark Brakel


Scott Hoovestol


Sannon Norick


Rob Keller


Rob Sipes

We are strengthened by Overseers

The overseers are pastors at respectful churches or ministries who know and love Evangel and are willing to provide spiritual protection to the church. They may be called in to help in accountability or succession matters relating to the Lead Pastor if requested by the Pastor or Board of Directors.

The Overseers for Evangel

President Paul Alexander

Trinity Bible College and Graduate School, Ellendale, ND

Superintendent Winston Titus

ND Ministry Network, Bismarck, ND

Pastor Paul Hurckman

Venture, Minneapolis, MN